Get to Know the in and Out of GST and Indian Constitution with EBC Webstore

The introduction of the Goods and the Services Tax is one of the significant advancements in the field of indirect taxes in India. According to the GST Act , multiple taxes that were levied and collected by the center and the states were replaced by a single tax name, namely the Goods and the Services Tax. GST is a multi-stage value-added tax that is levied on the consumption of both the goods and the services or both. In order to understand the GST tax better, it is important to understand the Constitution of India . And the best way to understand and follow both these concepts is by reading and following books. Only by understanding these concepts, will we be able to implement them appropriately and use them wisely, and also ascertain our rights. Learning the best GST practices through Books: The books offer a detailed picture of these concepts and they can be found online easily. EBC Webstore is one of the best sources to find such legal books online and the web store also rend...