Books are the Backbone of Legal Profession


Companies Act 2013

Knowledge is of paramount importance. It does much more than just help students sharpen their thinking skills. The more knowledge you gain; the more insight you derive. Knowledge is not only cumulative; it also grows exponentially.

A rich knowledge base leads to smooth and effective cognitive procession. These are the same cognitive abilities that teachers want to hone. The amount of knowledge a person accumulates, the smarter he becomes.

There are various sources of knowledge. Sometimes it can be a person, a place, an institution and last but not the least, books. Books are the most permanent form of knowledge. The knowledge hidden amidst the pearly wisdom in the words of these books can be passed on from older generations to future generations.

While bookshops have been around for generations, today’s digital times have paved the way for web store that house books of all kinds. EBC Webstore is India's largest online store for Law Courses Online and legal products offering real time information on over lakhs of law books and other related materials in print, electronic and web format.


Importance of Legal Profession

The Legal Profession has evolved into a more professional and advanced field. Its importance is prime as it has played the role around the world, as an advisor and an upholder of the rights of common people. Let’s see the reasons that make legal profession so important.

It helps in solving disputes between various parties of all kinds. It resolves feud between individuals, between governments of countries, between the government and the people and between corporate.

Legal counsels give legal advice to their clients on the right path and legal remedy to take, and at the same time help in achieving that remedy in the courts of law. For example, several corporate and business legal disputes can be resolved with the help of legal experts who employ their knowledge of Companies Act 2013 mentioned in the legal books.

General public do not have much knowledge about their legal rights. It is the lawyers that help the common people get acquainted with their basic rights. The lawyers help uphold the rights through public interest litigations, pro bono litigation and all the other forms of litigation.

Legal experts help in preserving the Constitution and hold immense importance in the administration of justice by maintaining a balance between the legislature, executive and judiciary.

Ever since its inception in 2005, the EBC Webstore has carved an enviable niche for itself by providing solutions to all your legal requirements by offering a wide range of Legal Commentaries, Student Texts, Bare Acts, Digests, Books, Journals, eBooks, eproducts as well as publications in fields allied to law.


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